8586 Sanilac Road
Vassar, MI 48768
Phone 989-868-3839
Fax 989-868-3357
Our Richville location will be gaining a reputation as the finest transload facility in northeast Michigan with the ability to unload rail cars and segregate multiple ingredients for storage and truck loading. This facility will provide profit opportunities not just for LaBudde Group but also for competitors and for private customers. Richville also provides options of bag storage, organic storage and the capability of handling special processing situations.
Tom Coles – (June, 2015)
Facility Manager
Prior to working at LaBudde, Tom worked as a technical manager in the Automotive Paint Industry. He has a deep passion for Motor Sports Racing and has been riding motorcycles for 35 years. His Motto is “You’re never too old to have a happy childhood.” Tom and his wife love their precious time with family and vacation with them as much as possible.